
Here are some of the projects I have worked on. Feel free to reach out if you want to collaborate on something!

  • in-toto Contributor: Contributor to the in-toto open source project.
  • Puck-It: Smart Air Hockey Table: Won first place in the Spark challenge for the best senior design project in ECE.
  • Autonomous Kart Software Stack: Built v3 of AMP’s (Autonomous Motorsports Purdue) Autonomous Software Stack on ROS 2 Foxy.
  • SSL Stack Detection: Preliminary work to see whether you can use ciphersuite performance as a side channel to determine and classify the client’s SSL stack.
  • Purdue eCTF Efforts: Ported the lightweight crypto library Ascon to the target device (TI TM4C123GH6PM) and implemented the PRNG. Was not very good, but was a learning experience.
  • Security Games: The course project for the Probabilistic Methods course is a summary of interdependent security games. I wanted to do a project covering the intersection of the two classes I was taking at the time, Game Theory and Probability.
  • Micro C Compiler: Compiler written in Rust written for the compilers course ECE 573.
  • Astro static website hosted on Vercel. (This site!)
  • IoT Device Hacking: Briefly messed around with IoT device hacking.
  • Purdue Rekor Website: Worked on Purdue’s rekor website as a VIP project in Spring 2022.